The cartoon produced by the B4thecurtainfalls blog group is refreshingly new in terms of its narrative form as proposed by Propp. Instead of the stereotypical characters of the hero, princess and a happy ending, this cartoon stars an anti-hero. The story line is not predictable and forced, it merges Todorov’s levels of narrative well, with the initial equilibrium immediately being disrupted, progressively thickening in plot and complexity.
A wonderfully oblivious prince, corrupt jester, murdered princess and promiscuous thief come together to create an entertaining cartoon. The use of excellent costumes and setting illustrate the effort that has gone into this cartoon.
this is soooo awesome!!!! :)
The cartoon produced by the B4thecurtainfalls blog group is refreshingly new in terms of its narrative form as proposed by Propp. Instead of the stereotypical characters of the hero, princess and a happy ending, this cartoon stars an anti-hero. The story line is not predictable and forced, it merges Todorov’s levels of narrative well, with the initial equilibrium immediately being disrupted, progressively thickening in plot and complexity.
A wonderfully oblivious prince, corrupt jester, murdered princess and promiscuous thief come together to create an entertaining cartoon. The use of excellent costumes and setting illustrate the effort that has gone into this cartoon.
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